Neutral ZoneTM, Managed by DataEzTM - Secure & Compliant Data Collaboration Platform

  • Neutral Zone – Powered by DataEz platform pre-configured for facilitating healthcare & life sciences organizations in data research partnership, while ensuring security of protected health information
  • DataEz – Fully managed, HITRUST certified, secure & compliant AI engineering & analytics platform-as-a-service available in AWS Marketplace

Connect with us to know more about Neutral ZoneTM, managed by DataEzTM

Neutral ZoneTM: Collaborative Data Platform for Personalized Healthcare and Clinical Studies

One of the latest innovations in healthcare and life sciences research is the use of a “Neutral Zone” that allows multiple organizations—even competitors—to securely share their data for analysis. A Neutral Zone, managed by DataEz empowers HCLS organizations to work together on medical discovery and precision medicine without sacrificing the security of PHI.

Organizations partner with a third-party algorithm provider to create a “secure sandbox” where AI, machine learning and other advanced algorithms may be applied to the data. In this Neutral Zone, data are essentially “shared but sealed.” The raw data are never disclosed, and data owners can control which portions of a data set are used and how they are used.

Industry Defining Capabilities of Neutral Zone, Managed by DataEz

  • 50+ collaborating entities on the platform
  • Zero trust & collaboration
  • Ready platform available in days vs months
  • HITRUST certified

DataEz - HITRUST Certified Data Analytics AI Platform

HITRUST certified DataEz offered as-a-service, allows you to focus on your data and its meaningful insights. From data strategy, data architecture, data synchronization, to data ingestion, data capture, and data monitoring, DataEz platform covers the end-to-end data lake management cycle. The DataEz framework is highly modular, scalable, and API driven, where data ingested in the platform is tested for quality based on customized rules, classified for PHI/PII and tokenized or anonymized. Ingested data is cataloged and its provenance captured for search and discovery.

Our core foundational components of the platform are deployed as microservices to build automated end to end data pipelines, leveraging APIs. Hence, data scientists/data engineers can automate the entire process from ingestion to analysis in a single CLICK. You can deploy and operate our cost-effective data analytics platform, DataEz, in days without any loss of scale or functionality.

HITRUST Certified DataEz Platform and its Capabilities

  • Platform up and running in 6 hours
  • Fully automated one click deployment
  • HITRUST certified
  • 50 peta bytes of data processed and stored
  • 80% cost savings
  • 90% quicker go-to-market

Neutral ZoneTM Managed by DataEzTM on AWS

Built on AWS services (Amazon Redshift & Amazon QuickSight), Neutral Zone managed by DataEz is designed to help healthcare and life sciences organizations to unlock the potential of real-world evidence and big data analytics. Our compliant cloud-based, Software as a Service (SaaS) enables HCLS organizations to have improved visibility into data assets, which shortens development times, and uncovers new opportunities.

Featured Integrations: Leveraging Redshift and QuickSight, Healthcare Triangle helps healthcare and life sciences organizations build fast, highly scalable, and cost-effective data solutions, which ingest all types of patients, clinical, real-world data, instantly process and store it in a highly secure HIPAA-compliant environment.

  • Amazon Redshift: HCTI hosts its data platform using Amazon Redshift, a fully managed data warehouse service in the cloud that enables users to query and analyze structured and semi structured data across data warehouses, operational databases, and data lakes using structured query language (SQL). Neutral Zone uses Redshift to securely collaborate data among life sciences and healthcare organizations, and partners across their ecosystem. Using Redshift, HCTI reduces operational costs, shortens extract, transform, and load (ETL) times, and scales operations for its life sciences and healthcare customers.

  • Amazon QuickSight: Amazon QuickSight, integrated in Neutral Zone, is a fast, AWS-native BI service makes it easy for you to build visualizations, perform ad-hoc analysis, and quickly gain insights from clinical and population health or RWE related data. HCTI fully integrates QuickSight into Neutral Zone powered by DataEz to support advanced analytics and reporting at unlimited scale for customers. QuickSight’s deep security and services integration, ML capabilities enables HCTI to provide a seamless embedded analytics experience at a fraction of the total cost of ownership of other BI platforms. The QuickSight dashboard allows secure access to interactive data. QuickSight provides us with a 360-degree view of the patient/clinical data, expanding our use of data to improve patient care and accelerate drug discovery.

Connect with us to know how Neutral ZoneTM, managed by DataEzTM platform can help accelerate the process of data collaboration.

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