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Reliable Cloud Backup and Disaster Recovery Solutions to Disaster Proof Your EHR

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Backup and Disaster Recovery Assessment!


Hospitals as Clientele


Secure, Compliant & Scalable Architectures Implemented


Years EHR Implementation and Optimization Experience

Why Healthcare Triangle’s Cloud Backup and Disaster recovery options?

Healthcare Triangle’s Public Cloud Disaster Recovery Options

Structured to fit your budget and requirements

Cloud Backup

  • Periodic off-premises back up
  • No tapes
  • Highly durable storage

Cloud Sync

Real-time Cloud backup, plus:

  • Synchronization of data to Cloud
  • d hoc/best effort environment recovery in Cloud

Cloud Ready

Cloud Sync features, plus:

  • Templated server images to rapidly spin up to
  • Maintenance of server images to match current environment
  • Pay for compute/servers only when in use

Cloud On

Cloud Ready features, plus:

  • Always on and updated servers on Cloud


15-minute On-Demand Webinar: Leveraging Public Cloud for Disaster Recovery and Backup for Healthcare

Leveraging AWS to Empower Backup & Disaster Recovery for MEDITECH

How Ransomware Affects Your EHR Data? Why Choose Cloud Backup and Disaster Recovery?


“The HCTI team was exceptionally accommodating and flexible with our project needs. The success of our Ambulatory build is in large part because of our HCTI consultants. Go Live support team were outstanding!”

Robert Reynolds

Information Technology Director, Mary Rutan Hospital

“Healthcare Triangle’s expertise was extremely important. All of their associates are very knowledgeable and easy to follow as they teach. I am able to write my notes with ease because of their customization. If you get HCTI to help with training, you will hit the jackpot.”

Shehab Saddy, MD

Geriatric Medical Center of the Monterey
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