Achieve EHR Resilience in Just 4 Weeks – Go Beyond Backup & Disaster Recovery

HCTI’s AWS Elastic DRS – Secure, scalable and HITRUST certified public cloud solution for achieving EHR resilience while cost cutting by 30-40%
With the increasing number of cyberattacks, healthcare organizations are under growing pressure to protect their data and be prepared to recover quickly in the event of a ransomware attack or natural disaster. Traditional disaster recovery solutions can be expensive and time consuming. There is also quite a gap of time that an organization is forced to go without access to their data unless they invest twice+ as much into their infrastructure to setup and maintain a “Hot Site” that remains ready to transition to when needed. “Hot Sites”, though an ideal solution to prevent downtime, are oftentimes out of reach for organizations due to the necessary financial burden to support it.

HCTI’s AWS Powered EHR Resiliency Solution

HCTI’s HITRUST certified AWS powered EHR Resiliency Solution provides a secure, highly reliable “Luke-Warm Site” environment to switch to use while recovering from a catastrophic event or ransomware attack, proven more reliable and/or cost effective than on-premise data centers, private cloud, and even other “Hot-Site” options. HCTI’s cloud foundational platform - CloudEzTM allows EHR and HIT systems to back up and recover their full infrastructure and data utilizing AWS services and solutions.

Use Cases for HCTI’s AWS Disaster Recovery EHR Resiliency Solution

EHR Resiliency use cases 1
On-Prem to Cloud
Immediately recover operations after unexpected crisis. HCTI’s AWS DRS enables RPOs of seconds and RTOs of minutes. Leverage HCTI’s AWS DRS to minimize impact of planned downtime or testing.
EHR Resiliency use cases 2
Help increase resilience and meet compliance requirements using AWS as your recovery site. We enable your cloud-based applications to run natively on AWS.
EHR Resiliency use cases 3
Cross-Region or
Availability Zone
Increase application resilience and help meet availability goals for your AWS-based applications, using AWS DRS to recover applications in a different AWS Region.

"With HCTI's DRS Resiliency Solution, we migrated our EHR recovery site to the AWS Cloud. HCTI's EHR Resiliency Solution not only enhanced resilience but also keeps our data accessible and user-friendly,"

Mellisa Hall, Chief Nursing Officer


Are you sure your patient data is always secure, available, and protected from downtime? Do you have a data recovery plan in place to maintain access to or to recover your critical data quickly in case of crisis?

AWS Elastic DRS Resiliency/Recovery Solution (Powered by HCTI’s CloudEz) – Key Features

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery (AWS DRS) minimizes downtime and data loss with fast, reliable recovery of on-premise and cloud-based applications using affordable storage, minimal compute, and point-in-time recovery.

AWS Resiliency Feature
Case Studies

Fort Madison Improves Resiliency of EHR Through HCTI’s Backup and Disaster Recovery Powered by AWS

Want to go beyond traditional EHR backup and disaster recovery to avoid unnecessary downtimes? We’ll help you realize EHR Resiliency in just 4 weeks. Let’s talk!

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