cloud data

HIPAA Guidelines: Understanding HIPAA Compliance on the Cloud

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) mandates industry-wide standards for protection and confidential handling of the electronic healthcare information for electronic billing and other processes. In order to maintain the HIPAA Privacy regulations, the Healthcare providers and organizations must develop and follow certain procedures to ensure the confidentiality and security of the Protected Health Information(PHI). The ‘Guidance on HIPAA and Cloud Computing’ released in 2016, by the US Government of Health and Human Services(HSS) provides information on maintaining HIPAA compliance while using cloud computing services for storing and managing ePHI. Based on this, the HealthCare organization and Cloud Service Provider(CSP) is directly liable for meeting both the business associate agreement(BSS) and compliance with the associated requirements of the HIPAA rules.

Ramping up Telecommute Capacity

Among the COVID-19 guidance provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for business is to prepare for “social distancing” to minimize exposure. While not every job is eligible for telecommuting, many are, and this strategy can be an effective way for businesses to offer flexibility to their employees while allowing important work to continue.

Top 4 Best Practices for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Implementation

Hackers attack and continue to be hostile to many organizations. Despite all security measures like regular vulnerability tests, deployment of encryption technology, etc., today’s organizations are highly prone to IT security breaches. It’s high time to strategize and anticipate a defense mechanism to protect their system and data. Nowadays, many organizations are turning their eye to Multi Factor Authentication or MFA for securing their complex and nexus environment. In this blog, we will discuss the top 4 best practices to be followed while implementing the MFA solution.

Today’s Reality: Continuous Security & Compliance

The Need to shift from Incident Security to Continuous Security

Compliance with industry regulations alone cannot protect businesses from security breaches. Changes in the cloud infrastructure are rapid, so an automatic and sustainable approach to cloud security must be in place.

Cloud Vendors Offering Assistance During COVID-19

A couple weeks ago, I published Ramping Up Telecommute Capacity. In that article, I mentioned that several cloud vendors were offering some incentives to organizations to help them take advantage of their services to support telecommuting and other changes to IT operations.

Key Takeaways

Webinar Key Takeaways: Responding to Ransomware with AWS Backup and DR

Ransomware attacks have proven to be one of the most destructive cyber threats for healthcare organizations, driving financial and legal strain and disrupting their care delivery processes and quality. In the face of high-profile cyberattacks on healthcare organizations, Joe Grinstead, Vice President – Technology at Healthcare Triangle Inc, and Roman Schwartz, DR Expert at AWS, presented the latest webinar, “Responding to Ransomware with AWS Backup and DR”.

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