Digital Transformation

Survey Illustrates Importance of a Strategic Approach to Healthcare Cloud Investment

By 2025, experts expect the healthcare cloud computing market to reach $64.7 billion as organizations seek to improve operational and clinical efficiencies. The business case for moving to the cloud is clear. To achieve digital transformation—which involves automation—the cloud is the best place to implement artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotic process automation, and more.

Stepping Up Security of Sensitive Data: 3 Questions Health IT Leaders Should Consider 

In October 2021, a ransomware attack compromised the insurance, diagnosis, treatment and other protected health information (PHI) of some 400,000 patients of a women’s health clinic in Los Angeles. The same month, hackers broke into the computer systems of a Florida-based healthcare network, compromising the PHI of some 1.3 million members.

Digital Transformation in Healthcare Survey Blog

Eliminating Barriers to Digital Transformation in Healthcare: Practical Tips 

According to a recent Healthcare Triangle survey, two out of three healthcare executives strive to digitally transform their healthcare organization primarily to improve the patient experience. Unfortunately, according to the same survey, some two-thirds of respondents who say they have a documented strategy for digital transformation believe they don’t have enough resources to implement it. The biggest obstacles: lack of staff resources (49%) and cost (about 25%).

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