cloud platform

Top 4 Best Practices for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Implementation

Hackers attack and continue to be hostile to many organizations. Despite all security measures like regular vulnerability tests, deployment of encryption technology, etc., today’s organizations are highly prone to IT security breaches. It’s high time to strategize and anticipate a defense mechanism to protect their system and data. Nowadays, many organizations are turning their eye to Multi Factor Authentication or MFA for securing their complex and nexus environment. In this blog, we will discuss the top 4 best practices to be followed while implementing the MFA solution.

Cloud Vendors Offering Assistance During COVID-19

A couple weeks ago, I published Ramping Up Telecommute Capacity. In that article, I mentioned that several cloud vendors were offering some incentives to organizations to help them take advantage of their services to support telecommuting and other changes to IT operations.

Why Cloud Enterprise Platform Approach? & What’s in the Box?

One of the most important aspects required for an organization to survive and outperform their competitors is AGILITY. Agility gives an organization the ability to be proactive and responsive to market changes as they occur. This leads to innovative approaches resulting in faster times to market and accelerated revenue growth. Driving this agile business approach is the Cloud.

Cloud Healthcare Security

Not Getting the ROI You Expected from the Cloud? Look at Your Operating Model

According to a recent Accenture analysis, two out of three life sciences organizations struggle to achieve optimal return from their investments in cloud computing. This is unfortunate, considering that the cloud is clearly emerging as a game changer in pharma, biotech, medtech and other companies in this space. In pharma alone, the cloud computing market is expected to reach $12.1 billion in 2022, up from $4.7 billion in 2017.

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