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COVID-19 Highlights the New Interoperability Imperative for Healthcare Information Technology

COVID-19 is a national health care crisis that requires efforts by every part of the U.S. healthcare sector to combat. Researchers, clinicians, policy makers, and others are asking the right questions to try and formulate the best strategy to mitigate the impacts of the crisis. They want to help the public by determining where and how should we strengthen containment measures as well as where and when can we re-open economically vital businesses. After two decades of massive investment by the public and private sectors in healthcare information technology, however, they remain hamstrung by a lack of meaningful interoperability and access to data.

The Business of Healthcare after COVID-19 Is Gone

Whether it is next week, next month, or next year, affairs in the US will open back up and return to a state of relative calm. But most agree that business as we know it will change significantly. Very few entities, be they small businesses or publicly traded international conglomerates, can weather repeated impacts of something like the COVID epidemic. And healthcare businesses in the United States have already been doubly affected, as they face the same financial and operational stresses that all businesses do, while simultaneously bearing the burden of day-to-day combat and execution just to get everyone through to the other side of the storm. Nobody wants to see and experience another mass-impact event such as this, but there will be more, and whether the next one is another health pandemic, a financial crash, or international conflict, there are things every smart organization will be doing to pivot their business to improve and prepare. Some of the changes will be seen relatively quickly, while others will still take some time, but one thing is almost certain, COVID-19 has become a tipping point from which there will be no simple return to “business as usual”.

Telehealth Here to Stay, & Bringing Financial Boon

It is no secret to health clinics and medical groups that Telehealth has been a financial lifeline in 2020. And while much of that has stemmed from relaxed regulation and reimbursement expectations for COVID-19, it is also presenting a compelling argument for long-term financial strategy and sustainability. Having already garnered favor and use, Telemedicine in the United States is rocketing toward a $20B valuation this year, with steady growth expected for years to come as well.

The Money Is Out There

It’s no secret the financial wellbeing of healthcare entities has plummeted with decreased patient service revenue amidst COVID-19.

Three Key Considerations for 2021 Healthcare IT Planning

All over the country, healthcare providers are planning their 2021 priorities. New tech, value-based care, and global events are driving healthcare to broaden its view of access, quality, and affordability. The IT organization must respond to remain relevant and enable care delivery. Here are three key considerations for your organization’s 2021 IT planning and budgeting.

Healthcare Triangle’s Keys to a Successful Application Support Services Transition

Healthcare provider organizations are reassessing how their Electronic Health Record (EHR) is supporting patients, providers, and their strategic goals. In a time of upheaval and innovation for healthcare, organizations cannot accept the status quo from their systems and are turning to partners like Healthcare Triangle to help them manage support for their EHR and other clinical and revenue cycle applications.

Interoperability – Building a Roadmap

Where will the road take us? Are we there yet? Familiar phrases amongst road-trippers and travelers, but it’s not a strategy for Healthcare Interoperability. This road needs to be planned out and built with flexibility; a framework for what the future may bring. Consider the interstate road systems across North America. It cannot get you everywhere you want to go, but it provides a route to get you most of the way there that is efficient and provides services along the way.


Interoperability – Get your head in the cloud

Healthcare organizations have tools available on the cloud to solve the toughest healthcare processes, and more tools are introduced every day. It all comes down to envisioning a better process and identifying the data needed at what point in the process to make your workflow intuitive – both on screen and to the clinicians and patients.

Healthcare Triangle Cloud and Data Platform (CaDP) Achieves HITRUST Certification

Through and beyond the global pandemic, ensuring regulatory compliance and data security is critical for leaders across the accelerating healthcare and life sciences industries. Organizations dealing with a patient’s personal health information must meet the required regulations for protecting and securing the information to avoid data breaches. Working with a HITRUST certified vendor can assure partners and patients that their data is maintained with the highest level of security.

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